Letra de Just a boy de Accept
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Letra de JUST A BOY de ACCEPT.
( Accept )
Who steers the ship
Through the stormy sea
If hope is lost
Then so are we
While some eyes
Search for one to guide us
Some are staring at me
But I´m no hero
Though I wish I could be
For I am just a boy
Too young to be sailing
I am just a boy
And my future is unveiling
And I´m so frightened of failing
Through the stormy sea
If hope is lost
Then so are we
While some eyes
Search for one to guide us
Some are staring at me
But I´m no hero
Though I wish I could be
For I am just a boy
Too young to be sailing
I am just a boy
And my future is unveiling
And I´m so frightened of failing
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