Letra de From bleeding skies de Abscess
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( Abscess )
Creeping from the Bleeding Sky
In Your Brain and Out Your Eye
Drooling as Your Mind is Invaded
Twitch and Gasp and Choke
Oozing from the Hole in Your Soul
Snakes in Your Views Slithering Slow
Shadows in Your Organs Swarming
Writhe and Fry Inside
Internal Immolation
Creeping Through the Rip in Your Mind
Dimensional Delimbing
Body Parts Adrift in Time
In Your Brain and Out Your Eye
Drooling as Your Mind is Invaded
Twitch and Gasp and Choke
Oozing from the Hole in Your Soul
Snakes in Your Views Slithering Slow
Shadows in Your Organs Swarming
Writhe and Fry Inside
Internal Immolation
Creeping Through the Rip in Your Mind
Dimensional Delimbing
Body Parts Adrift in Time
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