Letra de Rael rean de 999
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Letra de RAEL REAN de 999.
( 999 )
Song about a place I used to go [spoken]
There´s a place
Used to go
Got to the music on radio
And you cant help but gfeel it
Walk through the door
On the tables, on the floor
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
It doesnt matter
Where you´ve been
They gotta get here or be seen
It aint a palace
Yyou feel alone
It´s got a feelin´ you´ve never known
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
I didnt have
No place to go
You could give me
Wish you were
Take myself another jive
[guitar solo]
There´s a place
Used to go
Got to the music on radio
And you cant help but feel it
Walk through the door
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
I didnt have
No place to go
You could give me
Wish you were
Take myself another jive, jive, jive
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
There´s a place
Used to go
Got to the music on radio
And you cant help but gfeel it
Walk through the door
On the tables, on the floor
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
It doesnt matter
Where you´ve been
They gotta get here or be seen
It aint a palace
Yyou feel alone
It´s got a feelin´ you´ve never known
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
I didnt have
No place to go
You could give me
Wish you were
Take myself another jive
[guitar solo]
There´s a place
Used to go
Got to the music on radio
And you cant help but feel it
Walk through the door
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
I didnt have
No place to go
You could give me
Wish you were
Take myself another jive, jive, jive
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
Real Rean
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