Letra de Flowing de 311
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Letra de FLOWING de 311.
( 311 )
along the way to close my eyes
i lost where i was going
the more it will spin the more that i try
to stop my mind flowing
away away
to all that i despise
along the way to close my eyes
You can't be let down if you don't expect the world
expect to lay awake there by your sleeping girl
if somebody cares then there is no way you can tell
cursed consciousness it's your private hell
Tick tick tick the clock bludgeons your mind
endlessly replaying times that were unkind
Go away sun i'm not prepared for you today
it seems you are it seems you are
along the way to close my eyes
i lost where i was going
the more it will spin the more that i try
to stop my mind flowing
away away
to all that i despise
along the way to close my eyes
You can't be let down if you don't expect the world
expect to lay awake there by your sleeping girl
if somebody cares then there is no way you can tell
cursed consciousness it's your private hell
Tick tick tick the clock bludgeons your mind
endlessly replaying times that were unkind
Go away sun i'm not prepared for you today
it seems you are it seems you are
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