Letra de So long good-bye de 10 Years
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Letra de SO LONG GOOD-BYE de 10 YEARS.
( 10 Years )
Keep changing your mind.
Like clouds in the sky.
Love me when your high.
Leave me when you cry.
I know it all takes time.
Like a river running dry when the suns to bright.
So long this is good-bye.
May we meet again in another life.
Like strangers passing by.
May we see clearly in a different light.
Keep dodging lights.
Like a thief in the night.
The sun will rise and expose all our lies.
So why deny that you and I lead different lives.
The rivers from your eye´s can´t change my mind.
So long this is good-bye.
May we meet again in another life.
Like strangers passing by.
May we see clearly in a different light.
The rivers from your eye´s can´t change my mind.
So long this is good-bye.
May we meet again in another life.
Like strangers passing by.
May we see clearly in a different light.
Like clouds in the sky.
Love me when your high.
Leave me when you cry.
I know it all takes time.
Like a river running dry when the suns to bright.
So long this is good-bye.
May we meet again in another life.
Like strangers passing by.
May we see clearly in a different light.
Keep dodging lights.
Like a thief in the night.
The sun will rise and expose all our lies.
So why deny that you and I lead different lives.
The rivers from your eye´s can´t change my mind.
So long this is good-bye.
May we meet again in another life.
Like strangers passing by.
May we see clearly in a different light.
The rivers from your eye´s can´t change my mind.
So long this is good-bye.
May we meet again in another life.
Like strangers passing by.
May we see clearly in a different light.
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